Thursday 26 February 2009

Photo Album

Just like the "Something I Like" and the "Vegetables" tasks I had to do, this was to create a photo album with something I like and add links to the pictures to show bigger versions of the images.

What else do I like? I like the Super Mario Bros. (as much as Sonic).

However, rather than talk about what I like or find a few pics, I had to search for 12 different images of Mario related characters. I had a light problem with this task, and that was on how to view the pictures in the zoom-in. At first, I tried to do exactly like the veggies task and desizing the images along with cropping... but it didn't work out that well.

So instead, I found out eventually that the images I saved were high in quality, so I had them fill out the whole of the page with their name and a link back home:

I will honestly say that it took quite a while to find such quality images but I got there in the end. That Mario picture I posted back around the top of this post is way bigger than you may think, like bigger than 1000x1000 (and thats big).

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