Wednesday 1 April 2009


I had to do some logos of different things around the college, mainly subjects like sports, art & design, hair & beauty etc (eg, the pic above this paragraph). As I was lucky enough to know how to draw most things for over a decade, this task was really fun for me! Here's all the rest of the pics I had done:

You must be asking where I drawn all of these pictures... well, I drew them all in Serif DrawPlus X2. Also, all these pictures were drawn by mouse, and not a tablet pen (which I tend use more for digital artwork).

The software was surprisingly easy to use, despite not using a mouse for digital artwork for quite a number of years now so I'm proud of how it all turned out. I wonder if these'll be put up around the college? Haha, I have my doubts but it could be possible, along with other peoples logos.

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