Thursday, 4 June 2009

Interesting Web Sites

I almost forgot about this task (and I wasn't the only one) but this one was about linking to websites you find interesting. I guess thats a bit obvious, however this task was like a recap from the previous task we've done before with the vegetables (that feels like ages ago now).

The top image is the homepage of the presentation, showing you the various different images and websites you can access. All you do is click on one of the images...

You are then directed to a different page with a bigger version of the image. Click it again and it should open up your internet brower...

And there you have it!

Quite easy to do, huh? Hyperlinking in Microsoft Powerpoint is more easier than it may sound.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Posters for ITQ Info Promotion

I was able to complete this task before my work experience (boy, haven't I been busy?), and I was very happy with how it came out. These were posters I made for this course, I worked with two other students in my class for this task. I did most of the poster work along with someone else, and I must say that she did good.
These posters are still hanging up right now on display, its a weird feeling when you see your work being shown in public (well, its only on a red board in some third floor hallway... but still).
Oh and by the way, I did all this in Serif DrawPlus X2. A very handy piece of software indeed.

Paint the Wall!

This task was a little different from the others, since it involved maths and stuff. Unfortunately for me, Maths isn't my strongest point but luckily the tutor tried his best to help me out with understanding it.
All we had to do was to answer the questions (well, we were handed the answers, however we had to do it in our own words) and create pie charts on Excel. Originally I was going to do the second picture in Excel (the one in the second pic) but I had problems with that. Instead, I used some text boxes to make the squares and simply changed their colours. Sneaky, aren't I?
Even though maths is something I'm not good at, I at least learnt something from the task, and thats always a good thing!

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Crop and Change

Another simple task I had to do, but its more of an example. This task is for one of my tutors to show that I can do cropping and other various things. I also needed to show the details of each picture, like the file size and name.

File Name: yellowflower.00
Image Size: 2304x3456
File Size: 1.65MB
What I did to it: Nothing, this is the original image.

File Name: yellowflower.04
Image Size: 2304x3456
File Size: 1.52MB
What I did to it: I added a halftone effect to it, along with a motion blur, and some greyscale.

File Name: yellowflower.03
Image Size: 1746x1746
File Size: 896 KB
What I did to it: I cropped it to make it look more appealing and it looks like it stands out, almost something you may see used for a poster perhaps.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

ITQ Newsletter

This is a newsletter I had to do as some form of learning on how to layout newsletters appropriately, with the right fonts, sizes, and images. You may have notcied that the text is a bunch of gibberish, which it is, its just random text to fill in the void of the newsletter. I needed to do two pages of it and I found it easy to do despite some errors on fonts and sizes (which are now fixed).


I had to do some logos of different things around the college, mainly subjects like sports, art & design, hair & beauty etc (eg, the pic above this paragraph). As I was lucky enough to know how to draw most things for over a decade, this task was really fun for me! Here's all the rest of the pics I had done:

You must be asking where I drawn all of these pictures... well, I drew them all in Serif DrawPlus X2. Also, all these pictures were drawn by mouse, and not a tablet pen (which I tend use more for digital artwork).

The software was surprisingly easy to use, despite not using a mouse for digital artwork for quite a number of years now so I'm proud of how it all turned out. I wonder if these'll be put up around the college? Haha, I have my doubts but it could be possible, along with other peoples logos.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Party Plan

A simple task I had to do, it was to plan a party and time each step roughly and how long it will take. Theres not too much to say here apart from being a fairly straight-forward task, it was fun whilst it lasted.

Trip to Greece

No, I didn't actually go to Greece, but I did a task on planning a route from Dunstable to Kardamena however. This was more of the bigger tasks I had to do, I started off by using Google Maps to plan out the route (making some adjustments on where I'm passing through to make things interesting). Then, I wrote the names of the places I was going past from Dunstable to Kardamena, going past places like Paris, Innsbruck, etc.

This is the front cover for my task, at this point I've been getting used to using the 2007 versions of various Microsoft related software. I think its pretty eye-catching and it looks like it shows memories on where I've been (not literally).

Anyway, aside from the front cover, after putting down the locations, I then had to create a journal about my travels. I also had to do a Introduction to my trip, which car I'll travel in, and the Route Summary:

Lastly I had to do a photo album of all the locations I listed down:

Overall, I thought this was a pretty fun and enjoyable task despite having difficulties with location names and stuff. Definately proud of what I done for this, I even heard that the tutor is planning on putting this up on the boards along with others (fingers crossed for that!).

Business Stationery

A fancy little card, isn't it? It amazes me at times when I use the same old softwares but find something new to do with them, and this (obviously) being Powerpoint. This task was to create a business card of sorts, two different designs for each one, the green one was my first design and the other was my second.

Which one was more of my favorite? I found the second design more appealing. Not to mention that the art equipment logo is rather unique and fascinating, and that was just shaped out by some basic shape making tool.

Photo Album

Just like the "Something I Like" and the "Vegetables" tasks I had to do, this was to create a photo album with something I like and add links to the pictures to show bigger versions of the images.

What else do I like? I like the Super Mario Bros. (as much as Sonic).

However, rather than talk about what I like or find a few pics, I had to search for 12 different images of Mario related characters. I had a light problem with this task, and that was on how to view the pictures in the zoom-in. At first, I tried to do exactly like the veggies task and desizing the images along with cropping... but it didn't work out that well.

So instead, I found out eventually that the images I saved were high in quality, so I had them fill out the whole of the page with their name and a link back home:

I will honestly say that it took quite a while to find such quality images but I got there in the end. That Mario picture I posted back around the top of this post is way bigger than you may think, like bigger than 1000x1000 (and thats big).


It may seem like an odd thing to present but the task was more interesting than I thought it would be. In this, when you view the slide show, you can click on the images and be taken to a different page with a bigger version of the image you've clicked on. Its like being on a website when you click on various links that take you to different parts of the site.

These were the images for the vegetables I had to obtain, they had to be specific colours. For instance, one is orange, another is green, and so on:

These were the original sizes of the images, only cropped down to size. Much like the Oaks Hotel image size match up, I had to do the same for it here... the last image seems to be rather wider but it couldn't be helped due to Powerpoints odd cropping tool. Also, once you were done viewing the image, you can click a button at the side to go back to the main page to see the other images, which I found pretty cool.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Something I Like

One of the many things I like most is Sonic the Hedgehog, the character and the series itself. I had to do a presentation about what I like and share to others about it, so I chose Sonic because I found him easy enough to work with due to being a know-it-all about him.

I had to do some research on Sonic, so then I can put it in my presentation to try and fascinate others about what I like. I found rather interesting info about the old Sonic games... for example, in Sonic 3, Michael Jackson was the secret composer of the music but was never credited for it.

Once I finished it all up, I had to talk about it to my fellow classmates. I will admit I was rather shy about presenting it but I was able to go through it despite looking at my screen and notes more than the audience. However, at least I tried to be confident and clear speaking, maybe next time I won't be as nervous.

Oaks Hotel

I made a slide show some months back using Microsoft Powerpoint to tell customers about the Oaks Hotel facilities.

These first two pages introduce the hotel to make customers feel welcome. All the rest of the pages basically talk about the facilites with a list and a picture, almost exactly the same size as the others.

As you can see, if you compared these two pictures together, they're roughly the same size so then the images wouldn't bounce all over the place.

The last slides were a little different, mainly the last one to say about if any customer has any queries, they can just dial one number and ask at anytime. After the presentation finished, it would repeat itself for the benefit of others who didn't get the chance to read it properly.